Associations, Social Commitment and Secondary Employment as a Teacher

2002 until today

  • Member of the Board MBAlumni e.V. (Uni Augsburg) 2007 to 2010 and 2022 to 2023
  • Part time teacher at a middle school for girls teaching computer science for 7th graders (2019 until 2021)
  • Representing Swisscom Trust Services at BITKOM in several working groups relevant for digital identities, electronic signatures and seals (2023 until today)
  • Representing Signicat at BITKOM in several working groups relevant for digital identities as well as at the “Secure Digital Identities Association” (2019 until 2022)
  • Representing IBM at BITKOM in the Cloud and Outsourcing working group (2012 bis 2016)
  • Co-author of the BITKOM-Guide “Guide for secure cloud computing”
  • Co-author of the study “Discussion of successful implementations of cloud in the small and medium business”
  • Representing IBM for RFID at BITKOM, RFID Informationsforum and EICAR (2004 bis 2008)
  • IBMExperts (Cloud) at Computerwoche – a public online microblog
  • IBM Forward Thinker at
  • IBM Corporate Social Responsibility program – “Manage your Identity” workshops in public schools and “Girls Day” events (2010 until today)