2016-03 to 2018
- Head of Research cloud and cyber-physical systems at Siemens Corporate Technologies (CT). Strong integration with the research peers for mobile and embedded as well as additional cloud teams in China, India and the USA.
- Responsible for strategy, portfolio and development using research budget as well as self-acquired opportunities. Customers are the 12 divisions and 48 business units of Siemens.
- Responsible for CT engagement in MindSphere providing 21+ architects from cross CT RDA that consult/architect for the DF PL cloud based open IOT operating system MindSphere.
- Developed and delivered the cloud, mobile and industrial IoT technical slot for the digitalization training for Siemens’ Top 180 executives and the ADB training, expanding to larger management 3.000+ and then even to 40.000 using recorded video content.
- 2017 in addition interims Head of Research Group Mobile.
- 2018 Head of Research Group Cloud & Blockchain Solutions. …